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by Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen (1813-1886)

This delightful pair of children are captured on canvas by von Bremen in a playful and provocative scene, - at the well. The little boy is defending his pitcher while it fills with water, his bright cheeky grin and confident stance show that he is not at all worried that the older girl might be about to push him out of her way.

Both are healthy country children taking a few minutes way from their pressing tasks during the busy day. Probably brother and sister, they share the same colour hair and cherubic looks. Neither seem worried by the stones on the ground, even with their bare feet! Her head is at an angle suggesting she has asked him something profound and is waiting for an answer.

The well was a vital place, - almost like a shrine, and was always seen to represent the source of life. The vegetables on the ground nearby are probably included in the subject to emphasise other domestic responsibilities for the two. Someone has left a tub resting by its side, perhaps used for washing clothes.
Along with the cup, the draining saucepan and jug, all these objects show that this well is used often by this family. In fact it was a place for so many activities for any household that there would be a well-worn path to the cottage and the vegetable garden.

The well seems to lie within a glade in a forest, sunlight hits the ground nearby. After their short break the pair will go back to more serious duties refreshed from their few moments to themselves.

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Stephen Selby 2001
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