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by David Fulton (1848-1930)

Idleness is only appreciated when it follows extreme activity. There can be few little girls who don't run, skip and rush around with the excitements presenting themselves on so many occasions. In this instance, the morning's games with her sisters in the big garden must have been hectic. Now all she wants to do is to lie down and recover her strength for the next, and probably very noisy round.

After a change into a clean smock and ravenously tucking into a big lunch, she will have been instructed quite firmly to find a quiet corner and lie down. The peace would not only be good for her, but for everyone else too......No doubt!

So while the title of this painting is perhaps a little contrived, it represents an instant which adults greatly appreciate from their offspring.......a few magical moments of peace and tranquillity, away from the normal daily activity. In truth we know it is an illusion to think such quietness will last for very long. Soon the repeated requests to go and play again, from one boisterous little source, will become difficult to refuse. She is captured thoughtfully here by the artist, with her eyes alert enough for the spell to be broken shortly.

The three tame rabbits ignore the reclining princess and represent the quietness and sublimeness in this most restful posture. The closeness of these baby rabbits demonstrates ultimate trust in their temporary keeper, not to leap up and chase them around.

The nasturtiums in the background of this painting add a splendid pattern of colour. But here is an irony. They are one of the most actively growing, and almost uncontrollable plants in any garden. They have probably been selected to represent the true character of the little girl, even while she is forced to observe these quieter moments. If you look closely, the pale blue flower border behind her head is another detail that demonstrates the need for a little restraint.

The thoughtful inclusion of counterpoints in paintings by many Victorian artists, so often escape unnoticed until we look more deeply.

David Fulton was a scottish painter who exhibited only once at the Royal Academy in 1884. The paintings shown were 'Kyles of Bute' and ' Arran from the Bute Shore' . He was a member of the Royal Scottish Watercolour Society and was so proud of this title, used it when signing this painting.

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Stephen Selby 2001
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