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by John B. Abercromby (Fl. 1873-1896)

A Scottish crofter's home would often have been one of the cosiest places in all the world.....where despite poverty. The art was in knowing just how to make it so. Here John Abercromby, has sensed the sheer glory and bliss as the reward for the hard toil of our forefathers.

It is that short and magical interval between supper and going to bed...... the time when most children instinctively keep quiet. They all know that if mother and father notice they are still up, in just seconds they will lose the valued beauty of those last minutes by the fireside. This little girl sits ready for that call to go into the cold passage; to kiss goodnight and then to shiver on the way upstairs to join her brother. She is trans-fixed and unable to tear herself away. Apart from the kitchen, the rest of the house is freezing. Soon she will be able to see her breath and the contrast will be quite dramatic..... But its worth it!. She'll just sit there a little while longer, just a little while..

The carved and brightly painted toy soldiers are a reminder of the day's fun. They were probably shaped skilfully by their father and painted brightly in full detail. For there would be little money to spare on such fancies for a child. The model sailing boat too would be something made at home and proudly launched in a calm bay nearby, especially in front of her little brother's friends. Many fathers would take pride in fashioning such toys for their kith and kin. Is this an art lost forever? But back to the fire and not reminisce too much!

The cat is purring contentedly and enjoys sharing the moments with her companion. For the little girl is very fond of her furry friend and always makes sure that in exchange for a cuddle, she gets that extra bowl of fresh milk. The two chums share the moment together here, each transfixed by the glow.

A patchwork of flickering shadows in the background is created by the dancing flames, There is a rich and familiar smell of burning oak logs. The bright radiance of the flames on her face, is reflected by her smile of sheer bliss. The open fire hearth allows the glare to encircle the room, holding off all of the imaginary demons of the night. For they are now captive to its glow too but in her mind cannot escape. This dream will make her little world safe until daybreak.

Ashes glow red and deepen gradually. Occasional and unexpected sparks leap out from freshly introduced logs, crackling and spitting. At the end of its performance each falls meekly prey to the all consuming fire. The cat's soft purring adds to the feeling of security. It can just be heard above the relentless flickering of the flames. Silence now reigns apart from these perfect background sounds.

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Stephen Selby 2001
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