by Roderick Lovesay (B.1944)
breezes are beginning to freshen and found to be considerably
stronger at the brow of the hill. The home-made kite frame
was made by this little girl's father and took several evenings
to perfect. At long last it is ready for it's 'maiden' flight.
Mother found some coloured cotton from some old summer dresses,
and hand-stitched the cut pieces around the frame. The greatest
fun was of course helping to tie the ribbons into bows, spacing
them carefully along the tail string.
and confidence work hand in hand with the challenge of this
initial flight. Like riding a bicycle, its easy once you have
mastered the first moments. Out of sight and many yards away
will be her older brother, holding the winding handle and
they are both stationed and at the ready with the kite facing
directly into the breeze, the final lift-off is prepared.
The long tail of ribbons has to be laid out carefully like
a wedding train, as it causes upset and great dismay when
the uninitiated stand on it!.
will probably be several adjustments before mastering the
idiosyncrasies of the new kite. Each has its own personality
and responds differently to each handler.
at the top of many hills, especially in the big cities, kite
flying has become a great pastime with many followers. It
is not always a quiet challenge for 'the team' while launching
is taking place. Blame for the other's sheer stupidity is
rarely held back! With special cord, some kites rise to incredible
heights and often drag the handler along, unable to cope with
strong winds. Some end up in the most unexpected places; sorrow
replacing success quite rapidly.
little girl and her brother won't be giving this problem a
single thought until the tail string begins to snake its way
upwards. The ribboned bows create such a beautiful sight waving
back and forth. Without the balance and being spaced properly,
the kite will just crash into the ground. So although they
seem to be just an added attraction to this cotton 'bird',
they are really vital to it's future progress.
trees at all costs otherwise recovery may be impossible"....
"Keep clear from other kite flyers or tangled strings
might cause respite"...."Make sure you are far from
a riverbank or pond, less for the sake of the kite than the
unfortunate handler concentrating on the sky!.....This also
applies both to cow pastures and cliff edges".
a perfect sight it will be when it darts and dives, directed
only by tugs from below.
Kites were first recorded in China in 549 A.D., and were used
for military communication. This earliest man made bird-on-a-string
was brought by the Arabs to Europe, when in 1589 it was known
to be used by the Italians__