By Agnes Gardner King (Fl 1880-1902)
conjure up dreams of a long hot summer to come. These small
specimens just inside the old gates lend themselves to making
pretty yellow bunches to take indoors. But the temptations
of looking at other ways to enjoy the task set by a loving
mother, is to enhance the appearance of their loyal and obedient
the stems under his leather collar is a job needing care.
Big sisters are very good at showing just how its done. And
help is in the form of the little girls outstretched finger
while she instructs the dog to "Stay.....Just sit and
stay!". Just how long is this snapshot going to last?
brother is engrossed at the sight of obedience, and probably
can't wait for dog to tear off and shed its unwelcome necklace!
What a laugh it will be when he runs off tearing round in
circles to dislodge the girl's endeavours.
Pussy-Willow catkins above their heads are all but disappeared,
and the foliage is just about to cover all
traces of this other spring delight. Over the wall in the
field behind the garden, the tall elms are still bare from
the winter.
look on the ground. There is a fur cone almost out of place
here. Does it show that behind our view there is a pine tree?
The childrens' 'Sunday' clothes show that this is probably
not a poor household so perhaps the garden may be quite large
and old. Pine trees in gardens would most likely have been
planted, and if we next look at the wall built of stone, it
indicates something very much older. What is at the other
side of the wall through those big oaken gates? They have
been closed for at least a year because the ivy is growing
through a tight gap. The hinges will be on the other side
so we can assume it is still within the boundary of the property.
It can't be a kitchen garden because the gates would be opened
every day. So just what is over there?
sailors suite was something all Victorian boys wore for 'best'.
His knees will get muddy from the moments of fun with his
sisters, learning their girlish ways. He has his own posy
which appears to have a few blue crocus's he found nearby.
Perhaps in eighteen years time he will be proffering a posy
to a loved one?
a month or so the daffodils will be replaced with many other
flowers, but the children's challenge will be to see who can
make the longest daisy-chain. We'll creep off now and wait
for the impending reactions.
Gardner King was a Nineteenth-Century miniaturist who also
painted flowers, pets and children. She visited Florence in
1880, lived in London in 1882 and in Newbury from 1902. Titles
include "A Wee Scotch lassie", The Little Persian
Pet" and "Roses"