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by Alfred Carlton Smith (1853-1946)

The eye of our worthy companion, together with ears and tail down, tells us much. This canine entrapment is not forced. The look will have changed from anticipation now to consternation, after nudging his message through her arm that it is time to go out. But there is absolutely NO REACTION from her mentor.

"......Whatever your trying to show me cannot possibly be as important as running out into the garden, can it?"......"You really won't be long will you?"......"Teasing is extremely unfair to a good dog - as I do try to be - at least most times anyway!"

But look. There is a telling smile on the little girls face that shows she is just playing for time. "Please be reasonable to me...YOUR dog! I am your best friend"...."Your out-door shoes are on, your bonnet is on the table and we've finished breakfast"..... "So now it's time to walk with ME up to the village!"

Our little reader is pointing out something special to her best friend and mistakenly believes it will calm him down. It is an important rule of this household to prevent anyone from having their own way just when they feel like it. She certainly knows the effect of teasing and could be about to snigger as she too anticipates the next moment. Just what will he do next?

She could be miles away in the prose, maybe on a remote desert island or reading about the exciting adventures of Black Bess. But no. She is pointing out something of vital importance to her good companion who takes not the slightest notice. It could be a few printed words of wisdom to this unfortunate victim....... about the rewards of patience.

Will there will be a big long lick and a doleful look straight into her eyes? NATURALLY! "......and if that doesn't work, then I shall slope off and sit with my head bent forward, ears down in front of the fire"....."or I can start running round in circles and start barking!"..."What on earth is she doing that can't wait?"..."How can I attract her?"

The comfort of the old Windsor chair in front of the kitchen range is very appealing after a good breakfast. All grown-ups would hanker for just five minutes like this before starting the household chores.....but not a ten year old girl, because she can't wait to get out of doors either! (There is another example of fine artistic observation about the character of little girls in 'LAZY AFTERNOON' by David Fulton, soon to be in this collection).

Alfred Carlton Smith RI RBA ROI specialised in paintings which include many domestic scenes. He was also a watercolourist. He exhibited at the R.A. in and elsewhere from 1879 when he was 26 years old. Works by him are at the Victoria and albert Museum, Sunderland Art Gallery and the National Gallery in Melbourne. His wife was also a painter specialising in marine and coastal subjects.

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Stephen Selby 2001
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